We at b4 salon strive to have our guests leave the salon feeling beautiful and trendy, while staying true to their unique selves and person style. This colour service is completely customizable to YOU. Flamboyage® can simply enhance your natural hair colour or completely transform your natural hair colour. Schedule a complimentary consultation and talk with your stylist to see if this time saving technique is right for you. "Gorgeous hair is the best revenge" -Ivana Trump You are going to do what to my hair? It sounds like we are going to light it on fire. We get it. Really. We thought the same thing when we first heard of this colour service. We promise you we are not. It is quite the opposite and will have you leaving the salon feeling well, hot. In the model strut kind of way.
Let us explain directly from the creator, Davines. "Flamboyage® is a revolutionary colour service that can enhance natural colours by spontaneously blending bright and saturated tones, to create super-rich reflect patterns all along the hair length. What’s the secret of a unique and vibrant color? The Flamboyage® Meche selects casual hair sections, also reducing the regrowth effect. Flamboyage® Meche’s great versatility produces natural-looking end results, even when using brighter, more inventive nuances. Flamboyage® is a technique that can easily be repeated, making the colourist’s work extremely simple and fast, whilst offering unprecedented creative freedom, for short and long looks."
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