A credit card will be required to schedule any appointments. To ensure your desired appointment time, we recommend you pre-book your next appointment before you leave the salon. However, walk-in appointments are available but not guaranteed.
We respectfully request a 48-hour cancellation notice for individual services to better accommodate all guests. Charges will be accessed a fee equal to 50% of services scheduled for any no-show or late cancellations. Should you miss two or more appointments, b4salon reserves the right to refuse any future reservations and prepayment may be required before our next appointment. Thank you for your consideration.
With respect to our clients and workers, please be advised that we do not allow unattended children or high level of volume within our service areas. Please remember to keep media devices at a low volume. Thank you for your consideration!
Pre-Appointments can be arranged in advance for extended hours.
Please call or book online.
We respectfully request a 48-hour cancellation notice for individual services to better accommodate all guests. Charges will be accessed a fee equal to 50% of services scheduled for any no-show or late cancellations. Should you miss two or more appointments, b4salon reserves the right to refuse any future reservations and prepayment may be required before our next appointment. Thank you for your consideration.
With respect to our clients and workers, please be advised that we do not allow unattended children or high level of volume within our service areas. Please remember to keep media devices at a low volume. Thank you for your consideration!
Pre-Appointments can be arranged in advance for extended hours.
Please call or book online.